Sue Kirby Blue Pearl, LLC
Mindfulness Based Practices
810-241-4223 (voice mail or text)
Yoga Meditation Therapeutic Massage
Reiki Myofascial Release

Sue Kirby
Certified Yoga Teacher
Sue studied under Jonny Kest at Jonny Kest Center for Yoga, West Bloomfield, MI in 2006. She became certified to teach Astanga Yoga and Healthy Backs Yoga. Since then Sue has received instruction through many yoga teacher trainings and workshops including YCat: Yoga in Cancer and Chronic Illness at Yogaville, Buckingham, VA for Part 1 of 3 which was an intensive training at the Satchidananda Ashram. This YCaT program is a 300hr advanced teacher training program. As part of this training, she completed an Internship at the Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute in Flint. This internship was Part 2 of a 3 part specialist certification program through the Integral Yoga Academy at Yogaville in Buckingham, VA and involves teaching the YCat curriculum one on one and in a group. Sue currently teaches this curriculum as well as other less specialized yoga classes at the Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute. Part 3 of 3, creating and leading a retreat for cancer patients, caregivers and medical staff was completed in Fall 2018 in Cincinnati, OH; Adaptive Yoga with Iyengar Yoga Instructor, Mathew Sanford, at Mind Body Solutions, Minnetonka, MN: for persons who are physically disabled/have mobility challenges; Prison Yoga Project with James Fox who teaches in San Quentin Prison, CA, for incarcerated and otherwise traumatized persons; YogaFit Seniors; YogaFit Kids; Mindful Schools, CA: teaching Mindfulness Meditation to students in K-12 school; Tom Meyer's Myofascial Release for Movement Teachers; (2018) Yoga using Ropes and Slings Certification Course with Alison West of Yoga Union, NY, NY; and more. Sue has recently competed another 300hr advanced teacher training program under Amanda McMaine at the Essence of Yoga School in Richmond, KY. This coarse ran from April 2020 through September 2021.
Yoga relieved Sue from chronic pain in her hips that would wake her up in the middle of the night. That was in 1993 when her journey of asana began. Regular practice over the years has kept her pain free and healthy. She learned to meditate back in 1980 in the Chicago area when she was 19 years old. Sue has had a meditation practice on and off in her life since then. She says, "Life is better in many ways when I am meditating regularly." Sue participated in a 10-day seated silent Vipassana (Mindfulness) Meditation course in 2012 at the Illinois Vipassana Center. She looks forward to doing this again once it is safe to do so in regard to the Corona Virus.
Currently, Sue teaches yoga and meditation classes (Mondays and Wednesdays) at the Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute in Flint, MI. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays (and some Fridays and Sundays) you can find her teaching 8+ yoga and meditation classes per week at her Blue Pearl Studio in Caro, MI. Now classes are taught via Zoom from her Caro studio, her home studio in Mayville, or from the GHCI in Flint. See Classes tab on this website for Caro classes (Tuscola County). Contact Sue Root at GHCI 810-762-8022 (Flint) for information about registration for Genesee County classes.
Sue always says, "Begin anytime. If you can breathe, you can do yoga."
Licensed Massage Therapist
Sue graduated from Health Enrichment Center, Lapeer, MI in 1998 and has been practicing as a Professional Member of the American Massage Therapy Association ever since. Sue has received extensive and broad based continuing education over the years. Currently she is pursuing mastery of the John Barnes' Approach to Myofascial Release. She has taken at least 8 of the John F. Barnes intensive classes.
Sue practices therapeutic massage featuring myofascial release (MFR) at the Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute in Flint, MI (Tues & Weds by appt) as well as at the Blue Pearl Studio, 146 W.Burnside in Caro, MI (Mon,Th, Fri, Sa, & Su by appointment). Bodywork by appointment only and appointments are only made in person or by phone. Contact Sue at 810-241-4223 for availability and to make an appointment. Now working exclusively with persons who are fully vaccinated and boosted against the Corona Virus, must show proof and have a copy of vaccination kept on file.
Reiki Master Teacher
Sue received her Reiki I, II and III attunements and instruction from Rev. Larry Rosencrans in Flint, MI in 1998. She has been practicing Reiki ever since and began teaching Reiki classes and giving attunements in 2002.
Whenever she has 3 interested students, she will schedule a class for Reiki I or II . Classes are one day long (about 7 hours including lunch break) and limited to 7 students max. Sue will teach Reiki III classes for 1 - 3 students at a time, and will schedule the class when there is interest.
Watch this site for Spring and/or Fall 2022 offerings - see Special Classes tab for details. Contact Sue to let her know that you have an interest in Reiki classes.
To schedule a Reiki treatment session with Sue at her Blue Pearl Studio in Caro, MI, or at the Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute in Flint, MI, call 810-241-4223. Appointments are only made in person or by phone.
Reiki circles in which Sue and her students practice with one another will be scheduled in Caro according to interest.